Creativity and learning across the subject lines

Creativity and team collaborations

Creative Strategies with the whole brain in mind.

Art education for a creative economy

Tools for innovation

21st Century Education


Get creative online course

See a presentation on the importance of Creativity in the classroom.

It seems that we could all use more creativity in our lives. Not just to entertain us, but rather to help us communicate, express ourselves, and to excell in our new global society and economy.

I work with professionals and students to enhance whole brain activity at work -- employing strategies to think divergently, solve complex problems and to embrace change in a rapidly changing world.

I dream of a time when adults are busily developing their imagination rather than trying to restore what they have lost since childhood.

Bring more creativity to your school or business community. Just contact us.


Recommeded Readings

Paul has participated in writing of numerous Nova Scotia arts curricula, including:

  • Design 11
  • Art 11
  • Art 12
  • Advanced Art 11
  • Advanced Art 12

After the success of Holy Angels HS (Sydney NS) Fine Arts Certificate, teachers in the AVRSB sought to design their own FAC. In 2006, as the Fine Arts Consultant, Paul took the work done to date, fleshed-out the FA certificate process and designed the final document.

Now, students in the AVRSB can a FA certificate with 5 Arts credits and 12 majour projects.

Teaching Visual Arts involves designing units that lead students to develop sklls with a range of media & processes; making compositional decissions; and building sensitivites and values towards the treatment of their artwork and that of others. This guide attempts to identify and clarify such componants for desiging rigorous and relevant art units.

Art 3: Multimedia Art and Design came from the success of Design 11. This complete course guide and workbook is available for teachers who want to teach art through computer and design media.

View exemplars of student work.



Painting Portfolio

Please browse a retrospective gallery for a selection of Paul's works from 1995 to 2012.




Since 1997, when Horton High School's art program was founded,Paul has provided students with a growing on-line resource of support materials, lessons, assignments, and rubrics. This site also hosts several galleries of student art.


As a consultant it became clear to me that teachers and students could use strategies to be more creative. Therefore, in 2012 with the support of Acadia University, I developed a MEd in Curriculum Studies with a Focus on Creativty. Since then, the first cohort of teachers have graduated and we are about to launch this program again for a second cohort. This has proven to be an exciting and relevant program for teachers and administrators spanning all grades and subjects.

Call: 902 670 3070

Box 497
Hantsport, NS
B0P 1P0

Paul Syme, MAAE, BEd, BAFA
A snap-shot


Creator of Acadia University's MEd in Curriculum Studies with a Focus on Creativity (2012-)

Arts Education Consultant (2005-11)
Annapolis Valley Regional School Board

Art Teacher (1997-)
Horton High School
Art 10, Design 11, Art 12, Multimed 12,
IB Art, Adv. Art 11 & 12


MA in Art Education
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

BEd Junior and Senior Fine Arts
University of Ottawa

Specialized Honours BA in Fine Arts
University of Guelph



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